From the CCCE we want to inform you about the Digitalization and Municipal Resilience Webinar, which our partner Rezilio Techologie, with the support of the Quebec Office and our own, is organizing for next March 30, at 4:00 p.m. (peninsular time) .
In Spain, as in the rest of Europe, events occur every day that can turn into catastrophes. In our country, Filomena, the La Palma volcano or the Ebro floods have put the affected cities and the regional emergency management systems in trouble.
At the same time, more than 85% of Spanish cities still do not have a self-protection plan, according to the General Directorate of Civil Protection and Emergencies of the Ministry of the Interior.
Crises and disasters are dynamic and complex. Its impacts threaten the safety of populations. Unfortunately, in too many cities the management of these events is still done manually with paper plans that are tedious to maintain and update.
In this webinar, through the opinion of authorities and concrete examples from experts, we will discuss how cities can better prevent, prepare for and respond to disasters by digitizing their self-protection and emergency plans.
The Webinar on digitization and municipal resilience is aimed at managers, municipal civil protection officials, risk managers, security directors, experts in emergency planning and business continuity or crisis management.
You can register for this online session and participate in the debate on how cities can better prevent, prepare for and respond to disasters by digitizing their self-protection and emergency plans, through the following link.

The webinar will feature the participation of:
Moises Álvarez Ceballos
Head of the Civil Protection Service
Zulema Aragonés
President of the CCCE and Head of DBRS Morningstar in Spain
Alfons Calderón
Head of Economic and Institutional Affairs of the Office of the
Ignasi Fontanals
European Director of Rezilio Technologie Inc.
More information about the webinar, here.
From the Canada-Spain Chamber of Commerce, we encourage you to participate in this session in which you will be able to learn, from experts and authorities, how to deal with these crisis situations through digitization.