Dear members, I would like to thank you for the trust you have placed in me as president of the Canada-Spain Chamber of Commerce (CCCE) in this important new stage in commercial relations between Canada and Spain.
I would also like these lines to help turn the page to the pandemic, in which we are still immersed, and to be a harbinger of a return to normality or, rather, a different normality. The vaccination measures are hopeful, but the consequences are devastating, for society and for the economy worldwide.
In the current circumstances, as difficult as they are strange, the Chamber has continued with its mission of supporting our partners, organizing key events on our calendar such as the Spain Canada Relations Panel and promoting interaction among partners. The work of the Chamber has brought us closer to other related associations such as CEOE Internacional, Club de Exportadores e Inversores, Railgrup, and other Chambers with similar values, at the same time increasing our number of members to 38.
For this reason, I want to thank my predecessor, Oscar Vázquez for his leadership and management during the last three years at the head of the Chamber and to the entire governing team that has continued, in such difficult circumstances, with the mission and mission of the Chamber. I also want to thank especially the Canadian Embassy in Spain, the Spanish Embassy in Canada and the Bureau de Québec in Barcelona and their teams in the commercial offices for their backing and unconditional support.
The pandemic has accelerated social and economic changes that have a profound effect on our society. The intensification of technological development due to changes in teleworking, distance learning, online sales, the growth of the sustainable economy and the importance of diversity and inclusion, are key to innovation and economic development in a post-Covid era.
From the Chamber we understand more than ever the need to further support Canadian and Spanish companies in this period of change and uncertainty. And for this reason we want to continue being an outstanding mediator in the representation, promotion and support of relations between both countries, offering relevant services for our partners such as the promotion of their economic activities and interests, branding, networking, information and advice, training, business development, business cooperation, logistical and administrative support.
To increase our strength we have to continue growing, developing a greater presence and projection in the networks, promoting information and quality training, creating opportunities to build relationships inside and outside the Chamber and supporting our partners in their projects, and for that, I can only ask, How can we help you?
I hope you are as excited as I am to belong to the CCCE in this new stage full of opportunities and challenges. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, to each and every one of you for your unconditional support for the Chamber.