We are pleased to announce the incorporation as a partner of the Chamber, the company Solfarmers Inc., based in Orleans, Ottawa, ON, Canada.
Solfarmers is a Canadian company, founded in 2015 by two Spaniards, that imports and distributes Spanish food products in Canada.

Its products are sold throughout the country of Canada, from coast to coast, thanks to the support of different distributors/partners, along with its own distribution network. In addition, from its website, www.solfarmers.com, individual customers, restaurants, specialty stores and supermarkets can easily purchase its products.
In Spain, in addition to having its roots and families, the company has suppliers that they select themselves.
Solfarmers joins the Chamber as a member to obtain beneficial knowledge for its activity, access new horizons and have access to a community with initiatives of different natures”.
We are very happy to have them as partners, and offer them our support both in Canada and in Spain. Its established track record for importing top-quality Spanish products and its distribution channel in Canada expands our presence in the agri-food sector, a priority sector, and Solfarmers is a trusted partner to continue developing more collaborations in this sector.