We are pleased to announce the incorporation as a member of the CCCE of the company ATE GROUP, based in San Sebastián / Donostia, Basque Country, Spain.
ATE GROUP was created in 1971. It is a consulting and advisory services company made up of 125 people, with offices in Bilbao, San Sebastián, Vitoria and Mexico. They are dedicated to analyzing and carrying out the global planning of business projects, supporting their clients in the areas of Taxation, International Trade, Administration and Management, Human Resources, ICTs and the Environment.
Why Canada and the Canada Spain Chamber of Commerce?
Canada is a country with a diversified economic activity, rich in resources and the economic outlook is upward. The Canadian businessman is receptive, determined and dynamic. Depending on the sector, the European market may be of interest to you. The Canada-Spain Chamber of Commerce is the platform that promotes economic relations through the network of contacts in both countries. That is why ATE GROUP considers its presence in the Chamber of interest, in order to benefit the business world on both sides of the Atlantic.
It is a pleasure to have ATE GROUP and support them with their offer of services to companies on both sides of the Atlantic.