The Chamber held its Spain Canada Trade and Investment Panel last Tuesday, March 21, in collaboration with the Canadian Embassy and Icex Invest in Spain. The session was inaugurated by the Secretary of State for Trade, Xiana Méndez, and with the intervention of the Canadian Ambassador, Wendy Drukier.
The event was also attended by the main actors in relations between the two countries: ICEX, Embassy of Canada, CEOE International, Chamber of Spain and Club of exporters and investors.
During the panel, the high level of collaboration and the 60% increase in trade between the two countries was highlighted since the CETA economic and trade agreement between Canada and the European Union entered into force, 5 years ago.
The meeting included the experiences and advice of two success stories, Opentext and Enerfin (Elecnor Group). The guests and partners have been able to end the event with a coffee and networking to increase relationships and do business.
Then, you can see the entire meeting, in the following video: