The Canada-Spain Chamber of Commerce (CCCE) was founded in December 2007 as a non-profit organization focused on promoting commerce and business relationships between Canada and Spain. In this way, the CCCE has become a platform for communication and exchange of information and ideas intended to build a stronger relationship between the two countries.
Spanish companies value Canada as the best country in which to invest outside the European Union. In the past few years, there have been important Spanish investment projects executed in Canada in sectors such as transport and communications, renewable energies, gas, chemical industry and information technologies. The Chamber acts as a distinguished mediator in the representation, promotion and support of the relationship between the two countries.
The CCCE is the result of the initiative of a group of individuals which, with the support of Spanish and Canadian companies, is establishing itself as the point of reference for commercial, technological, economic, scientific, industrial, tourism, legal and cultural issues related to Canada and Spain. The Chamber counts on the support of both the Canadian Embassy in Spain as well as the Spanish Embassy in Canada and both their Ambassadors are honorary members.